Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Goodwill Shopping Again

I went on Saturday; I went again today. Found another pair of Unlisted heels. Not as high as the others, but the heel is wide, so I can walk in them, and they are MY size this time. They are a bit more glittery than I want them to be, but they are black. I fear I will go on an Unlisted binge, picking up every pair of heels in my size.

I also got some Etienne Aigner shoes. They are black with a little buckle that looks like a horse's bit. A jointed snaffle, for you connoisseurs. I found a couple shirts and a long sweater that will look great with black leggings. I haven't found the outfit in my mind yet, but maybe. My body is ill-suited for skirts. It's a miracle when I find one that works.

Today's total of two pairs of shoes, two shirts and a sweater was less than $21.

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