Saturday, August 30, 2014

Student Loan Money

And yes, I feel guilty and bad for borrowing it to go back to school.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Whoops again!

I forgot to post Saturday. I guess I need to upload some more excerpts from my bankruptcy memoir. I also need to work on that, but I'm intent on getting my erotic romance novel done. Plus I'm going to school and working, so obviously, I need a schedule and some willpower!

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Seems to me I've lived my entire adult life on borrowed money.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014

My Do It Yourself Name in Lights!

This post on my other blog has been quite successful! Check it out here for a low-cost gift that's sure to wow!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Another Day, Another Scholarship Application (or three)

After work, I stopped off at school to look over more scholarship matches. One scholarship wanted me to write an essay about how coupons influenced my purchasing decisions. I usually carry a few Goodwill coupons with me. A local grocery store prints them on the back of their receipts, and I stash them in my wallet, or put them in the glove box. The coupons are either for $1 off a $10 purchase, or $5 off a $25 purchase.

But sometimes I avoid coupons, because no matter how good the deal is, you're still spending money. I have precious little cash right now and there's less than $10 in checking, and it's a good week and a half until my next payday. I had to pay house insurance and my student loan, and I spent $80+ at the grocery store, so I'm pretty much wiped out, unless my other job pays me at the end of this week. It still means $5 and whatever change I can find around the house until I get paid. Which won't be soon enough.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

King's Hawaiian Sandwich Bread

King's Hawaiian now makes a loaf of bread and it's a good size if you are in the mood for two or three sandwiches and don't want to buy a normal sized loaf of bread and have it go bad. Although, I've tried to get into the habit of putting two slices in sealable sandwich bags and put them in the freezer so if I'm in the mood for a sandwich, I'll have bread handy. Two slices in each bag is just the right size and portion if you are in the mood for toast or a sandwich. I've had three sandwiches so far, and I think I have enough for a fourth, excluding the heels of the loaf.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Very Close to Totally Broke

And of all days when I really, REALLY needed to get paid, I don't. I texted my boss to see if I would get paid for last week's work this coming Friday, and he didn't respond to that. Guess I'll have to text him again.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Here's Something That I Wrote Specifically for the Blog (a long time ago)

People may not want to be tightwads, or be perceived as tightwads. Try to think of it this way: the less dependent you are on others, the less control they have over you. Read that last sentence again and really think about it. People are both stupid and hypocritical, which is why they will buy huge, gas-guzzling vehicles, yet bitch, bitch, and bitch some more about gas prices. These are the same people who refer to Middle Easterners as “Sand Niggers” or worse. Well, I've got news for you. YOU are the Middle East's bitch. All of us are. All of us who drive cars, that is. But you SUV types are OPEC's wet dream. You hate the Middle East, you hate the culture, you hate the religion, they are all terrorists, yet you insist on supporting them by driving your Gigantimobile. And I have to laugh. I've had fuel-efficient cars over the last 20 years. And I'm thinking about getting a moped. I live close to my jobs, and a moped would be perfect to get to work and back. I do have a bicycle, but my city is not as cycle-friendly as it could be, although it's getting better.