Monday, June 16, 2014

I Guess I'll Have to Wait

I've got several bills piling up, but I have less than $100 in my checking account. I will have to wait until I get paid again, which will be nearly two weeks from now. I started a Christmas Club account, and I have money in that, but if I keep transferring it over, I won't have a Christmas Club account. I need to find an account that I can put small amounts of money into, but I can't withdraw it for at least six months. A certificate of deposit won't help me. I need an account where I can open it with say, five dollars, and add to it over the course of six months to a year, where I CANNOT withdraw it for any reason, until the six months (or year) is up. That would be a huge help to me, because it would FORCE me to save. If I can access the funds any damn time I want, how does that help me SAVE???

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